Search for tag: "u0795885"

Stopping the Habit of Throat Clearing

Sometimes a cold, cough or something breathed in will cause you to constantly clear your throat. On this Health Minute, laryngologist, Dr. Katherine Kendall, says it can become a habitual response…

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Is the Cure for Vocal Fry as Simple as Telling Someone to Speak Up?

Croaking, creaking, and vocal fry—they’re all different descriptions of a way of talking marked by a low, vibratory sound that often comes at the end of a sentence. You’ve no doubt…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 409 plays 0  

Voice disorders, featuring Dr. Katherine Kendall

Dr. Kendall gives you tips on how to keep your voice healthy when talking is a must.

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02/20/2013 - Intubation Injuries and Tracheostomy - Katherine A. Kendall MD, FACS - 2/20/2013

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