48:58duration 48 minutes 58 seconds
Language Like Mine: Consumer language, patient…
Language Like Mine: Consumer language, patient language, and thesauri | Catherine Arnott Smith, PhD | 2010-11-11
From hscwebmaster
56:55duration 56 minutes 55 seconds
Ontologies for Structuring Information in…
Ontologies for Structuring Information in Healthcare | Bruce Bray, MD | 2010-03-04
51:26duration 51 minutes 26 seconds
Standards-based Web Services for Knowledge…
Standards-based Web Services for Knowledge Integration and Clinical Decision Support | Guilherme Del Fiol MD PhD | 2010-08-26
From uit-streaming-kmc-healthcare@lists.utah.edu
Language Like Mine: Consumer language patient…
Language Like Mine: Consumer language patient language and thesauri | Catherine Arnott Smith PhD | 2010-11-11
01:01:11duration 1 hour 1 minute
ML-Flex: A Flexible Framework for Performing…
ML-Flex: A Flexible Framework for Performing Machine-Learning Analyses in High-Performance Computing Environments | Stephen Piccolo, 2010 JOHN D. MORGAN FELLOWSHIP AWARD | 2010-12-09
52:14duration 52 minutes 14 seconds
Machine Learning Applications in Biomedical…
Machine Learning Applications in Biomedical Informatics | Dr. Gary Livingston | 2010-10-28
52:54duration 52 minutes 54 seconds
Clinical Research Informatics: It is more than…
Clinical Research Informatics: It is more than you think... | John Hurdle, MD, PhD | 2010-10-07
54:33duration 54 minutes 33 seconds
Dr. Marc Bennett, President and Chief Executive…
Dr. Marc Bennett, President and Chief Executive Officer at HealthInsight | 2010-11-04
01:14:21duration 1 hour 14 minutes
Faculty Research Focus: Stan Huff, Charlene Weir,…
Faculty Research Focus: Stan Huff, Charlene Weir, Stephane Meystre, Qing Zeng | 2010-12-02
51:15duration 51 minutes 15 seconds
Using high performance computing for modeling…
Using high performance computing for modeling biomolecular structure and therapeutic design: Moving from the era of waiting too long to data overload | Thomas Cheatham, PhD | 2010-10-21
54:18duration 54 minutes 18 seconds
Developing A Health Information System:…
Developing A Health Information System: Experience from the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires | Fernan Gonzalez Bernaldo de Quiros, MD | 2010-11-18
55:34duration 55 minutes 34 seconds
Life at the ultrascale: Where structure meets…
Life at the ultrascale: Where structure meets informatics | Edward Lyman, PhD | 2010-09-23
01:00:00duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Cognitive Perspectives in Medical Informatics…
Cognitive Perspectives in Medical Informatics Research | Carlos Nakamura, PhD | 2010-09-16
58:17duration 58 minutes 17 seconds
Health Information Exchange and Poison Control |…
Health Information Exchange and Poison Control | Mollie Poynton, PhD, APRN, BC | 2010-09-02
01:02:18duration 1 hour 2 minutes
Bayesian Network Modeling and Learning in…
Bayesian Network Modeling and Learning in Biomedical Informatics | Xia Jiang | 2010-04-22
01:10:35duration 1 hour 10 minutes
Informatics solutions to the challenges of…
Informatics solutions to the challenges of population based primary care practice: the creating virtual medical home | Les Lenert, MD, MS | 2010-09-30