46:40duration 46 minutes 40 seconds
Massive TransfusionProtocol December 10, 2013
From Branda Bird
31:11duration 31 minutes 11 seconds
Preventing Secondary Injury June 11, 2013
48:14duration 48 minutes 14 seconds
Capnography: The Wave of the Future June 12, 2012
36:32duration 36 minutes 32 seconds
Care of Lower ExtremityFractures September 11,…
Care of Lower ExtremityFractures September 11, 2012
46:59duration 46 minutes 59 seconds
Preparing for & Responding toDisasters…
Preparing for & Responding toDisasters September 10, 2013
35:47duration 35 minutes 47 seconds
Open Thoracotomy March 13, 2012
Capnography: the wave of the future June 12, 2012A
Care of lower extremity fractures September 11,…
Care of lower extremity fractures September 11, 2012
Emergent Open Thoracotomy March 13, 2012