22:39duration 22 minutes 39 seconds
Jeffrey Rosenbluth, MD, on Tetraski for Spinal…
Jeffrey Rosenbluth, MD, on Tetraski for Spinal Cord Injuries with KPCW
From hscwebmaster
20:46duration 20 minutes 46 seconds
Jeffrey Rosenbluth, MD, on Adaptive Sports with…
Jeffrey Rosenbluth, MD, on Adaptive Sports with KPCW
05:12duration 5 minutes 12 seconds
Craig H. Neilsen Rehab Hospital Groundbreaking
From IMW
02:12duration 2 minutes 12 seconds
Exoskeleton gives patients another chance to walk
05:41duration 5 minutes 41 seconds
Conversion Disorder overview with Dr. John Speed
From uit-streaming-kmc-healthcare@lists.utah.edu
03:35duration 3 minutes 35 seconds
Steven Edgley, MD, on KSL Abt Stroke…
Steven Edgley, MD, on KSL Abt Stroke Rehabilitation