You know Dasher and Dancer and Prancer and Vixen; Comet and Cupid and Donner and Blitzen? They're Santa's reindeers, by the way. And as new research suggests,…
Chronic lower back pain is one of the most common types of pain in the United States. Emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen says yoga can reduce lower back pain and…
The most common leg cramps occur during sleep and can often wake you up due to the terrible pain. But what exactly are leg cramps, who's likely to get them, and why…
Have you stubbed your toe bad enough you think you may have broken it? Save yourself an expensive trip to the ER—emergency room physician Dr. Troy Madsen explains…
Life keeps going but that doesn't mean you shouldn't slow down every now and then to reflect on all the good you've accomplished and all the milestones…
The Seven Domains of Women's Health covers all parts of a woman's life: physical, emotional, social, intellectual, environmental, financial, and spiritual. As…
For many med students, the climb to residency can seem like a steep mountain, and it can be difficult to take a step back and recognize your accomplishments. But…
A recent study suggests the overdiagnosing of ADHD in elementary-aged children could come down to something as simple as what month a child is born. Pediatrician…
The presence of electric scooters are increasing in a lot of cities, and with them comes the increase in related injuries coming into ERs. Emergency room physician Dr.…
Sometimes it can feel awkward to reach out to someone you notice may need support. Learning how to navigate and break through these feelings is a key part of being a…
Children as young as two years old are seeing an increased prescription for playtime—it can stimulate creativity and offsets secondhand stress. Pediatrician Dr.…
How much sugar is too much for kids? Pediatrician Dr. Cindy Gellner explains that a sugar-loaded diet contributes to childhood obesity. She recommends that children have…
After-school programs can provide a safe place for children when parents may not be available. But as children age into preteens, when can they be allowed to stay home…