Diversity of thought should be the foundation for respectful discussions and the broadening of perspectives. In the complex world of medicine, effective…
Approximately 5% of medical students and 3% of practicing physicians report having a chronic illness or disability. For these individuals, balancing being a patient…
This season's fourth and final IDENTITY SERIES episode spotlights Laurel and their journey of self-exploration. Close friends Hạ and Abby Jones join the…
In the third episode of this season's IDENTITY SERIES, Lilly and Mariam share a thoughtful and honest conversation about the power and privilege of wearing the…
The second episode of this season's IDENTITY SERIES spotlights "compassionate ambition," a commitment to excellence that vehemently denies individualism…
Every patient brings a unique narrative when they come into the doctor's office. Patients who feel heard, seen, and valued by their health care providers have…
We're excited to bring back and highlight our IDENTITY SERIES—this season, featuring four episodes exploring who we are as human beings.
In this special…
1 in 5 U.S. physicians was born and educated abroad, according to the AAMC. Non-U.S. international medical graduates—different from Americans who attend medical…
Cultivating a supportive community can enhance your resilience, well-being, and success in medical school and beyond. Explore the power of community in medical…
Just as patients of color experience unfair treatment in the doctor's office, physicians of color also experience discrimination from patients. As medical…
21.2% of medical students identified as legally married, according to a 2023 report from the AAMC. While marriage between two medical students is common, being in a…
In 2023, the Main Residency Match had 42,952 active applicants, yet only offered 40,375 certified positions. Unfortunately, this disparity meant some applicants did…
Between 2021 to 2024, there were 165,326 applicants to U.S. medical schools, with only 69,228—41.9%—successfully gaining admission. While medical school…
Exploration is actively seeking to understand ourselves better, pushing beyond comfort zones to discover the complexities of our own identities, and fostering personal…
Letting go is never an easy decision, but change can be beautiful. In this heartfelt conversation, original cast members Harjit, Margaux, and Leen say their farewells…