Search for tag: "u0770831"

Could Donor Matching Help Fecal Transplants to Work Better?

Though it may be hard to get past the “ick factor”, fecal transplants—putting fecal matter from a healthy donor into a patient’s intestine—is proving to be a…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 79 plays 0  

Conversation Between “Good” Bacteria and Immune System Is Key to Digestive Health

Our bodies are home to thousands of species of good bacteria that keep us healthy by aiding with digestion, defending against harmful bacteria, even possibly promoting mental health. A recent study…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 175 plays 0  

Good Bacteria Keeps You Healthy

Not all bacteria are bad. Within each of us are over 1,000 species of good bacteria that live in our gut, skin, mouth, and other exposed surfaces that we couldn't survive without. Dr. June…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 316 plays 0