Search for tag: "u0281833"

Cerebrovascular Research Trials @ U of U

Neurosurgery Grand Rounds

From  u0281149 18 plays 0  

Overcoming the Challenges That Face the Spouse of a Stroke Victim

The effects of a stroke reach far beyond the physical health of those who suffer them and can be especially tough for a spouse or other caregiver. Alexandra Terrill is a rehabilitation psychologist…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 781 plays 0  

Learning to Recognize Signs of a Stroke Can Do More than Save Someone’s Life

There are some things everyone should know how to do: CPR, first aid, and recognizing the signs of a stroke. Dr. Jennifer Majersik is director of the University of Utah Stroke Center. She says…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 294 plays 0  

If There’s Even A Slight Chance You Think It’s A Stroke—Call 911 Immediately

The most powerful weapon against a stroke are people that know what a stroke looks like and are willing to call 911 without hesitation. If you are that person, no need to read or listen to this…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 34 plays 0  


From  Interactive Marketing & Web 190 plays 0