Search for tag: "u0104801"

Listener Question: How to Take Car Keys Away from Elderly Parent?

As your loved ones get older, there’s a good chance they will begin losing their vision, and in turn, their ability to drive safely degrades. But taking away the car keys from a loved one can…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 72 plays 0  

How to Best Support Someone Losing Their Vision

Vision loss impacts every aspect of a person’s life. Facing these challenges alone can lead to a lot of adverse psychological effects. Lisa Ord, from the patient support program at Moran Eye…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 108 plays 0  

Vision Loss Can Lead to Visual Hallucinations

Sometimes when people lose their vision, they can begin to have hallucinations. It’s called Charles Bonet Syndrome (CBS) and is more common than you think. It may sound scary but it’s…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 289 plays 0