Search for tag: "head and neck"

Stopping the Habit of Throat Clearing

Sometimes a cold, cough or something breathed in will cause you to constantly clear your throat. On this Health Minute, laryngologist, Dr. Katherine Kendall, says it can become a habitual response…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 1,571 plays 0  

Head and Neck Cancer Caused by HPV: What it Means for You

Just because the human papilloma virus (HPV) is a sexually transmitted disease doesn’t mean that’s the only way you can get it. HPV is known to cause many cancers, including cancer of the…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 216 plays 0  

How Are HPV and Head and Neck Cancer Related?

It’s long been established that Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) can contribute to cervical cancer, but recently there has been an alarming increase in head and neck cancers related to HPV. How are…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 55 plays 0  

Is That Lump in My Throat a Sign of Thyroid Cancer?

Head and neck specialist Dr. Marcus Monroe discusses the basic signs and symptoms of thyroid cancer. Learn if you are more at risk for having thyroid cancer and how you can get tested and treated for…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 283 plays 0