Search for tag: "bladder"

E33: 7 Domains of Bladder Health

As many as 1 in 4 women will experience bladder-related issues during their lifetime, whether it be an increased frequency or urgency to use the restroom or the leaking of urine. These problems can…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 368 plays 0  

Multiple Sclerosis and Bladder Control Problems

Bladder dysfunction is a common problem for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). Whether it’s constipation or fecal incontinence, health problems related to the bladder are uncomfortable for…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 87 plays 0  

Why Do I Have to Go to The Bathroom All the Time?

Does your bladder constantly interrupt your life? There might be a solution. Sara Lenherr is a urologist who focuses on treating female incontinence and is an expert in determining its cause. Medical…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 120 plays 0