Health Care
From u0015739 April 27, 2012
29 | 00:56duration 56 seconds
Anaphylaxis - Symptoms and Treatment
19 | 00:33duration 33 seconds
Appendicitis - Symptoms and Treatment
128 | 01:09duration 1 minute 9 seconds
Broken bones - Symptoms and Treatment
22 | 00:54duration 54 seconds
Burns and Emergency Treatment
44 | 01:05duration 1 minute 5 seconds
Concussion - Symptoms and Treatment
42 | 00:59duration 59 seconds
Sports Conditioning
375 | 01:04duration 1 minute 4 seconds
Diabetic Seizure warning signs and treatment
21 | 01:11duration 1 minute 11 seconds
Warning signs of Drug Abuse
28 | 01:04duration 1 minute 4 seconds
Ear Infections
60 | 00:53duration 53 seconds
Elderly slips and falls