From JAMIE TROYER March 10, 2025
Dr. Joanna Grudziak reviews a case involving a patient who was struck by a vehicle and sustained an aortic injury. These case reviews cover care from the initial scene… -
From JAMIE TROYER December 10, 2024
Dr. Alex Colonna hosts a case review following a patient who sustained a SCI from an ATV rollover. Case is followed from arrival to OSH to air transfer team, then… -
From JAMIE TROYER June 10, 2024
Dr. Toby Enniss discusses management of severe hemorrhagic shock in a patient with penetrating chest trauma from a stab wound. The scene EMS crew, outside hospital… -
From JAMIE TROYER April 17, 2024
This case reviews a victim of a grizzly bear attack with significant facial trauma. Discussion focuses on airway control on scene as well as his course of care from… -
From JAMIE TROYER January 31, 2024
Dr. Toby Enniss hosts this quarterly review that follows a patient through initial scene transport, outside hospital care, flight, and final disposition at the… -
From JAMIE TROYER October 10, 2023
Dr. Marta McCrum leads a multidisciplinary case review of a patient who sustained a blunt diaphragmatic injury. This case review starts with initial scene care, outside… -
From JAMIE TROYER June 16, 2023
Multidisciplinary review following a trauma patient from initial injury, to outside hospital stabilization, and then disposition and treatment at the University of Utah… -
From JAMIE TROYER February 15, 2023
This presentation focuses on pre-hospital management of the pregnant trauma patient as well as some post-partum hemorrhage management strategies -
From JAMIE TROYER December 02, 2022
This EMS Quarterly Case Review follows the collaboration of care from initial scene response to final disposition of a polytrauma patient involved in a motorcycle crash.… -
From JAMIE TROYER September 14, 2022
This case reviews a patient with a penetrating tracheobronchial injury. Care teams from initial scene, OSH, Air Transfer, and our multidisciplinary team discuss…