Search for tag: "skin cancer"

Mohs Surgery

Fellowship-trained Mohs surgeons discuss the Mohs surgery technique as well as the importance of choosing a surgeon with fellowship training.

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Mole Mapping: What it is and Why You Should Be Mapped

If you are at risk for skin cancer, you'd want to take every precaution to prevent melanoma. Mole mapping is an excellent tool to detect skin conditions earlier. Dermatologist Dr. Julia Curtis…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 600 plays 0  

Listener Question: Should I be Concerned about Moles?

Dermatologist Dr. David Smart answers the question about when you should be concerned about moles. He goes over the “ABCDE’s” of what a dermatologist looks for in moles and when you…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 18 plays 0  

Mole Crowdsourcing to Detect Skin Cancer

Imagine this: during a skin self-exam you notice a growth or mole that looks suspicions but you aren’t sure. You take a picture of it with your phone using a special app that allows others to…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 33 plays 0  

What is Mohs Surgery?

Huntsman Cancer Institute's Glen Bowen, MD, Director of Treatment Planning Conferences of the Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Oncology Program, talks about what Mohs surgery is and how it is used to…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 268 plays 0  

Mapping Moles Is an Effective Way to Fight Skin Cancer

People with more moles than average might have a hard time trying to keep track of changes during self-examinations for skin cancer. Dr. Doug Grossman from Huntsman Cancer Institute introduces a…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 88 plays 0  

Does a Suntan Protect Against UV Rays?

Does getting a rich golden-brown tan offer protection from dangerous skin-cancer causing UV rays? Dr. Doug Grossman from Huntsman Cancer Institute describes suntanned skin on a molecular level. He…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 340 plays 0  

Which Sunscreen Should I Be Using?

Sunscreens range in prices, but Dr. Doug Grossman from Huntsman Cancer Institute cautions against scrimping on sun protection products. Find out what products are best and why, as he compares…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 127 plays 0  

How Dangerous is Skin Cancer, Really?

We all love the feeling of the sun on our skin and maybe even a little bit of that golden tan. But then we’re reminded that somebody dies every hour in the U.S. from skin cancer. Most skin…

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 347 plays 0  

Molemapping - KSL News

Huntsman Cancer Institute's Doug Grossman, MD, PhD, spoke with KSL News about mole mapping. Video courtesy of KSL

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 181 plays 0  

Indoor Tanning Risks

Dr. Robert Andtbacka discusses risks of tanning, following tanning mom story. Video courtesy of

From  Interactive Marketing & Web 118 plays 0