Search for tag: "public health grand rounds"

Field Experiences in PH Across the Globe

Field Experiences in PH Across the Globe

From  JULIA FRYER October 03, 2018 109 plays 0  

Do Routinely Collected Electronic Medical Records Accurately Measure Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia Diagnosis?

Do Routinely Collected Electronic Medical Records…

From  JULIA FRYER March 07, 2018 25 plays 0  

Treating Pain Without Opioids

Treating Pain Without Opioids

From  JULIA FRYER February 06, 2018 16 plays 0  

The Daily Changing Priorities of Local Public Health

The Daily Changing Priorities of Local Public…

From  JULIA FRYER October 25, 2017 25 plays 0  

Expertise and it's Acquisition Across Domains: Implications for Training and Performance Enhancement

Expertise and it's Acquisition Across…

From  JULIA FRYER April 05, 2017 8 plays 0  

An Introduction to the CCTS Collaboration and Engagement Team

An Introduction to the CCTS Collaboration and…

From  JULIA FRYER March 07, 2017 7 plays 0  

Phenotype Classification using Genealogical and Environmental Exposure Data throughout the Life-Course (PhenGenEE)

Phenotype Classification using Genealogical and…

From  JULIA FRYER February 08, 2017 25 plays 0  

Utah's Economic, Demographic, and Cultural Transformation: A View Into the Future

Utah's Economic, Demographic, and Cultural…

From  JULIA FRYER January 27, 2017 10 plays 0  

Peri-Conceptional Exposure Assessment: the HOPE Study

Peri-Conceptional Exposure Assessment: the HOPE…

From  JULIA FRYER December 07, 2016 1 plays 0  

Switching It Up: Using Routinely Collected Data For Outbreak Surveillance

Switching It Up: Using Routinely Collected Data…

From  JULIA FRYER December 07, 2016 5 plays 0  

Ebola Response, Sierra Leone: First-hand Experience in the Fight to Contain Ebola

Ebola Response, Sierra Leone: First-hand…

From  JULIA FRYER December 07, 2016 60 plays 0  

Adherence to Medical Recommendation Across the Cancer Control Continuum

Adherence to Medical Recommendation Across the…

From  JULIA FRYER December 07, 2016 5 plays 0  

Framing the Future of Public Health

Framing the Future of Public Health

From  JULIA FRYER December 07, 2016 10 plays 0  

Innovations in Public Health Finance: Pay for Success and Social Impact Bonds

Innovations in Public Health Finance: Pay for…

From  JULIA FRYER December 07, 2016 7 plays 0  

#Cancer: A brief exploration of social and emotional exchange through social media

#Cancer: A brief exploration of social and…

From  JULIA FRYER December 06, 2016 4 plays 0  

Thoughts on E&OH V.2

Thoughts on E&OH V.2

From  JULIA FRYER December 06, 2016 5 plays 0