Search for tag: "population health"

Could supercomputers like IBM’s Watson be a physician’s new best friend?

Martin Kohn, M.D., chief medical scientist, Care…

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From  hscwebmaster April 17, 2013 139 plays 0  

How do we convince academic medical centers to lead change?

Darrell Kirch, M.D., president & CEO,…

+8 More
From  hscwebmaster November 15, 2012 246 plays 0  

How can milestones for residency training allow customized learning and flexible timelines?

Paula Termuhlen, M.D., general surgery residency…

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From  hscwebmaster November 12, 2012 28 plays 0  

Can we expand the definition of diversity to include academic diversity?

Valerie Montgomery Rice, M.D., dean &…

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From  imw November 06, 2012 98 plays 0  

How can we accommodate patient needs and comfort with technology as medicine goes digital?

Elisabeth Kunkel, M.D., Jefferson Medical…

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From  hscwebmaster November 05, 2012 66 plays 0  

How do we use technology to personalize health care and address the physician shortage?

Aaron Byzak, M.B.A., University of California San…

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From  hscwebmaster November 04, 2012 83 plays 0  

What is the role of the academic medical center in addressing our nation's health care crisis?

Claire Pomeroy, M.D., M.B.A., University of…

+3 More
From  hscwebmaster November 04, 2012 162 plays 0  

Why is science and the objective generation of evidence so critical for health care?

Ann Bonham, Ph.D., chief scientific officer AAMC,…

+5 More
From  hscwebmaster November 04, 2012 158 plays 0