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10 item(s) foundOctober 28, 2013December 09, 2013June 28, 2016December 05, 2016March 31, 2017March 31, 2017October 31, 2016June 01, 2016
Kids and Nightmares
Seeing scary and unfamiliar images in movies or on TV can trigger bad dreams. Dr.
When Should You Give The Heimlich Maneuver
whether you should perform the Heimlich and how to tell if you’re doing it properly.
Medical Trial Suggests Systolic Blood Pressure of 120 or Less Could Benefit the Elderly
around 120 can have significant benefits for the elderly, including a reduced chance of heart disease and
ER or Not: Stepped on a Glass Ornament
It's the holidays and you've stepped on a glass ornament that fell off the tree.
Protect Yourself from Hantavirus
Spring is here and it’s time to start that spring cleaning.
Listener Question: Should I Worry if I Still Have a Cough After a Cold?
Find out what you can — or can't do — about it, and whether it's something to be concerned about.
Pneumonia Makes List for Top 10 Causes of Death
University of Utah Health Care emergency physician Dr.
Three Symptoms that Don't Seem Serious, But Can Be
Headaches, back pain and abdominal pains are some of the most common pains.