Health Care
02:57duration 2 minutes 57 seconds
The causes and options of male infertility
From imw November 19, 2013
05:04duration 5 minutes 4 seconds
The causes of male infertility
05:01duration 5 minutes 1 second
Male infertility, the options couples have
04:15duration 4 minutes 15 seconds
We are leaders in our fields
From hscwebmaster March 28, 2013
03:13duration 3 minutes 13 seconds
IVF Family Picnic 2011
01:28duration 1 minute 28 seconds
Why is University of Utah Health Care a good…
Why is University of Utah Health Care a good choice for high-risk pregnancies?
From February 08, 2012
02:19duration 2 minutes 19 seconds
What can a maternal-fetal medicine patient expect?
01:43duration 1 minute 43 seconds
How do doctors try to prevent miscarriage?
02:36duration 2 minutes 36 seconds
How do doctors try to prevent preterm birth?
02:24duration 2 minutes 24 seconds
What can maternal-fetal medicine patients expect?
01:22duration 1 minute 22 seconds
What is the "Milk It" study?
What is maternal-fetal medicine?
02:11duration 2 minutes 11 seconds
Ware Branch, MD - Experience
01:42duration 1 minute 42 seconds
What can a patient expect at the Division of…
What can a patient expect at the Division of Maternal-Fetal Medicine?
01:51duration 1 minute 51 seconds
What makes University of Utah Health Care OB/GYN…
What makes University of Utah Health Care OB/GYN unique
in vitro fertilization
From hscwebmaster January 25, 2012