From DEREK LARSEN November 28, 2012
Patient Paul Dorius with Clinical Coordinator Diana Peterson discusses coordinating his care from hospital to home -
From DEREK LARSEN November 28, 2012
Lead Charge Nurse Maegan Gillis on training and role definition from the perspective of a newer nurse -
From DEREK LARSEN November 28, 2012
Nurse Managers Karen Nye and Natalie Manolakis on collaboration and team work -
From DEREK LARSEN November 28, 2012
Senior IT Staff Analyst Jake Hendriksen on his experience as a patient expecting the birth of his second child -
From DEREK LARSEN November 28, 2012
Nursing Operations Director Julia Beynon discusses her experiences collaborating outside of her department -
From DEREK LARSEN November 28, 2012
RN Debi Lundskog talks about pain management; one thing can make a difference -
From DEREK LARSEN November 28, 2012
Provider Sara Winter-Boyer, M.D.'s, experience with pain management as a patient -
From DEREK LARSEN November 28, 2012
Carol Henderson, RN's, personal experience with pain management as a patient